Feb 26
Backed Up And Restored
This summer, I will celebrate 10 years of blogging—first as Single Gal In The City, now as New York City Gal. Last weekend, I thought all of it was irreversibly erased.
My saga began when I called web hosting company Bluehost with a billing question and the tech I spoke with mistakenly deleted my account. He failed to mention at any point that doing so would result in my content being wiped from their servers. I caught his mistake before getting off the phone and he assured me all would be reinstated within 24 hours.
The next day, neither website is up so I call again After half an hour and being transferred to a ‘level 2’ tech, I’m told there are no backups–even though Bluehost backs up on a daily, weekly AND monthly basis. I couldn’t believe it. Ten years of writing completely gone?
Devastated, I post on Facebook. Friends near and far rallied around me. Some revealed their own heartbreaking data loss tales, others offered advice (the Wayback Machine!) and encouraged me not to give up hope. Two of my best friends Natalie and Lisa call. They both reassure me that my content has to be somewhere and to follow up with Bluehost again. Sure enough, the third tech I speak with says the backups are indeed there. Relieved, I attempt multiple times to download the files–unsuccessfully.
Several Facebook messages, tweets and two more phone calls fail to yield anything except Bluehost’s insistence that their backups were missing certain files needed to restore my sites. Meanwhile, I could see right on my screen that all of the necessary data was there.
My temper now sufficiently flared, I place call #5 and give the tech on the other end all of my ire and frustration. Without missing a beat, he states that I’m lucky to have found the most competent rep on his floor. His self-confidence turns out to be well founded. Within less than ten minutes, after a few clicks on his keyboard, both Singlegalnyc.net and this blog are live once again. Thank you, Charlie Black at Bluehost!!
And heartfelt thanks to everyone who reached out to say that my writing has meant something to them.
“For all those who enjoyed sharing all your amazing adventures,” said Jenny Liu, “I am sure your words will forever be in their hearts and memories so it will never be lost.”
Author/blogger/writer extraordinaire Jaden Hair made me smile with her effusiveness.
“We don’t need a blog to remember all your stories!!!!! You’ve got a tribe of bloggers and friends right here. Can’t wait to read about your next adventure!!!”
I can’t tell you how much this means to me. Anyone who’s honest will admit writing is a pursuit that brings with it self-doubt. A few years back, I was reminded of this when I attended the Writers Guild Awards ceremony. In a room filled with TV and film industry honorees at the top of their professional game, there was one noticeably repeated refrain–you’re always unsure of how what you put out there is being received. You hope with all of your heart that it strikes a chord. Getting actual feedback that you’ve succeeded is such a gift.
Thank you again to my dear readers and, of course, to my IT savior, Charlie at Bluehost.
And yes, I now have long-overdue separate backups. Lesson learned!